Compartment No. 6

Compartment No. 6

A young Finnish woman escapes an enigmatic love affair in Moscow by boarding a train to the arctic port of Murmansk. Forced to share the long ride and a tiny sleeping car with a Russian miner, the unexpected encounter leads the occupants of Compartment no. 6 to face the truth about their own yearning for human connection.

1h 47min
July 7, 2022

★★★★ “Beautifully believable performances . . . rivaling the nuanced naturalistic charm of Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy in Richard Linklater’s Before trilogy... like a balm for the soul in these tumultuous times.” The Guardian
★★★★ “A love story… a total charmer, and will have you reaching for an Interrail ticket immediately afterwards.” Empire Online
“A rich emotional journey and a witty comic train movie…” British Film Institute
“Unexpectedly uplifting in its insights into human solitude and connection.” The Hollywood Reporter
“A beacon of warmth amid a frozen wasteland.” Time Out
“A take on the love story as fresh, resonant and honest… as you’ll find in a contemporary film.” Los Angeles Times

A young Finnish woman escapes an enigmatic love affair in Moscow by boarding a train to the arctic port of Murmansk. Forced to share the long ride and a tiny sleeping car with a Russian miner, the unexpected encounter leads the occupants of Compartment no. 6 to face the truth about their own yearning for human connection.

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  • Runtime
    1 hour 47 minutes

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